Custom Website

Secoya Property

Secoya Property is a full-service real estate agency in Melbourne that specialises in investment properties.

Key Features:
  • AI-generated photography
  • Copywriting
  • Dynamic reviews tailored to each service
  • AI assistant integration

Project Summary

Secoya Property previously had a simple one-page website that didn't list any of the services they provide or tell visitors much about the company. It also didn't show any reviews which would've inspired confidence in their work. This all meant that any traffic they were getting previously wasn't going to convert into paying clients.


Our goal was to create a simple yet professional website that would give the company credibility and grow their online presence. We also wanted to add AI assistant functionality so that tenants could make maintenance requests at anytime.


Secoya went from having a bare bones 1-page website to an elegant 10-pager. Potential clients can now learn all about Secoya Property as a company, the services they provide and read the reviews left by satisfied clients.