
What is Webflow and Why is it so Popular?

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Anton Mostert
August 2023
What is Webflow and why is it so popular?

In the digital universe, the rise of no-code tools has been nothing short of revolutionary. Among them, Webflow has been gleaming as a crown jewel, especially for web designers and developers.

But why should business owners and marketers, like you and I, care about it? Is it just another tech fad, or does it genuinely offer something to streamline our business operations?

Let's peel back the layers of Webflow and explore what's cooking underneath.

What Exactly is Webflow?

Webflow is a lot more than a mere web design tool; it's a CMS (Content Management System), a hosting platform, and a time-saver all rolled into one.

With its intuitive no-code approach, it's turned into a haven for those seeking to design, build, and launch responsive websites without even touching a line of code.

Imagine this: Creating a high-performing website as easily as you arrange your office desk, all thanks to Webflow's drag-and-drop interface. Sounds dreamy, doesn't it?

Webflow on a laptop

A Peek at Webflow's Meteoric Rise

Webflow's creator, Vlad Magdalin, must have had quite the journey. After three not-so-successful attempts, he launched Webflow in 2013, and it's been a darling of the tech world ever since.

But 2022 was the year Webflow began its astronomical rise. Just check out the Google Trends graph I've attached. The graph plots interest over time for the term ‘Webflow’ where 100 is the most it’s ever been searched for.

You'll notice a sharp spike beginning in January 2022. And it has consistently scored above 75 since April 2022, indicating that Webflow's popularity isn't a passing trend; it's growing and flourishing.

But what caused this surge? Why is Webflow turning heads?

Google Trends graph showing Webflow's popularity over time
Google Trends, 5/8/2013 - 1/8/2023

What Makes Webflow So Popular?

All the Customisability of Code, Without Coding

Let's face it, coding a site from scratch is something from the history books.

Today's developers usually leverage a component library or templates as a foundation, tweaking as necessary. However, Webflow opens a new realm, merging the flexibility of custom code with the user-friendliness of a drag-and-drop interface.

In other words, it's easier than building a custom Wordpress site (that’s not a template) while giving you more design freedom than template-based builders like Squarespace.

It's the bridge that brings non-tech-savvy people into the exciting world of web development. Through visual feedback, Webflow lets you add HTML, CSS, and JavaScript elements without needing to learn all the techy details.

Now, don't get me wrong. It's not child's play. It requires time and effort to master, but once you're comfortable with it, the doors to coding languages open up. It's the perfect stepping stone on your web development journey.

Web Developer sitting at desk

Saving Time, Stress, and Money

Time is money, especially in the business world. Webflow recognises this fact, offering a plethora of time-saving features:

  • Drag-and-Drop Simplicity: Why write code when you can visually place it where you want? It's quicker, and you can see how it looks instantly.
  • Collaborative Environment: Designers and developers working in harmony? Yes, it's possible! Webflow's similarity to design tools allows them to compare each other's work, making collaboration a breeze.
  • Responsive Design: In a world that lives on mobile, designing for different screen sizes is vital. Webflow makes this process effortless.
  • No Plugins or Manual Back-ups: Forget about those pesky plugins slowing down your site and posing security risks. Webflow doesn’t need them. And it backs up your site automatically. So you don’t need a developer to ‘maintain’ your site for you.
  • User-Friendly CMS: Content contributors can add pages or make changes without worrying that they might break something.
  • Landing Page Creation: Need quick landing pages for SEO or paid ad campaigns? Webflow's CMS makes it easy to scale.

Businessman relaxing on the beach


In a world where time, efficiency, and adaptability are paramount, Webflow has established itself as a valuable asset for web designers, developers, business owners, and marketers alike.

It's more than a trend; it's a shift in how we approach web creation, making it accessible to all. Give it a try, and you might find it becomes an indispensable part of your toolkit. It's not just about building a website; it's about building a future. Why not start with Webflow?

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